Better state of mind, and an improved quality of life

Allison Pattinson, Hypnotherapist at Port Carlisle in Cumbria.

Looking for a Hypnotherapist based in Cumbria?

Welcome to Allison Pattinson Hypnotherapy. I provide tailored hypnotherapy services to the Cumbria region helping clients to deal with a wide range of issues. Whatever it is that brings you through my doors the ultimate goal remains the same: a better state of mind, and an improved quality of life.

I know that we can often find it difficult to reach out for help. It can be hard to work out who you should talk to, or what you need to talk through. Whether you’re dealing with anything from stress, to bad habits, grief, or anxiety hypnotherapy can be a vital tool in getting to the root of the issues especially in cases where other more conventional methods haven’t worked.

While I truly think that my dedicated garden room at my home provides the perfect setting in which to relax and focus your mind, I understand that some clients feel more comfortable in more familiar settings. If you feel that you’d rather conduct our sessions from the comfort of your own home then I also offer online Zoom sessions.

EMDR & Trauma Therapy

I have a Certificate in EMDR Therapy & Psychological Trauma and am Accredited by the UK national council for integrative psychotherapists

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing. EMDR bilateral stimulation works by stimulating both sides of the body at the same time by eye movement from side to side or tapping or sounds.

It helps to process the negative images, emotions, beliefs and body sensations that goes with trauma.

Sometime in our life you might have suffered disturbing events and one moment in time could have become frozen for you. Where the feelings and emotions that went with that event can feel like your going through it again and again. They can pop into your awareness maybe like flash backs or nightmares and this happens as the brain is overwhelmed in the moment of the event. These are unprocessed memories.

It Over 30 years of extensive research on EMDR has demonstrated its effectiveness in alleviating distress associated with traumatic events.

It is recognised by the national Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a treatment for PTSD.

Why Choose Hypnotherapy?

Does hypnotherapy work?

I can think of thousand reasons why you should choose Hypnotherapy, but the best reason is usually the answer to the question I get asked the most: Does Hypnotherapy work? My answer is always the same. Yes. Not only is hypnotherapy a time proven practice, it’s also one of the most widely applicable.

An effective therapeutic approach

Hypnotherapy is recognised by the British Medical Association and the National Institute of Clinical Excellence as an effective therapeutic approach to all of the issues listed below. In fact there are over 200 known uses for Hypnotherapy.

How hypnotherapy works

One of the greatest things about Hypnotherapy is that while the sessions are gentle, the effects are powerful and often life changing. There are many misconceptions about what Hypnotherapy actually is, but in essence it works by making use of hypnosis in order to make the mind intensely focus and incredibly receptive.

Release your issues

Verbal suggestions and imagery are used to help you let go of whatever issue you brought to the session and focus on whatever changes you want to see.

Centre your mind

You will experience a pleasant feeling of deep, true relaxation during the sessions helping you to centre your mind on what you’d like to achieve by removing the distractions that in day-to-day life prevent us from achieving true relaxation.

Experience relaxation

There is nothing more important to the mind and body, than being able to truly, relax. I aim to create a space for you in which together we can remove the obstacles preventing you from living the life that you desire.

Here is a list of some of the things that I work with all the time using Hypnotherapy



Bad habits of all kinds


Emotional Problems

Grief & Loss





Panic Attacks


Increasing motivation


Pain Control

Nail biting



Other issues I help with include: Bed wetting, Boosting self- confidence, Eliminating fears and hang-ups, Emotional problems, Improving mood, Increasing work and study, Irritability, Lack of Enthusiasm, Panic disorders, Post-trauma anxiety, Relationship problems, Resistance to Change, Sexual problems, School problems, Skin problems and rashes caused by nervous conditions, Sleeping problems, Smoking, Social anxiety disorder, Stuttering and Weight loss

Some frequently asked questions...

Can anyone be hypnotised?

It is estimated the 85% of people will respond at some level to clinical hypnotherapy. As a qualified hypnotherapist I will take time and ensure that you feel completely safe and comfortable and prepared for trance. Any anxieties can be discussed before, during or following sessions. Individuals will experience different levels of trance. Some patients may experience only a light trance, but this is all that is needed for therapy to take place and be just as successful.

How will I feel during hypnosis?

Everyone feels something different and has different experiences. Patients have reported feelings of calmness, complete relaxation, or time passing quickly. In the hypnotherapy room, the patient is always in full control and cannot be made to do anything by the hypnotherapist that is out of character.

Will I wake up from trance?

Trance is a normal state that you may enter several times a day while concentrating or focusing your attention on a particular activity. After being in a trance you will always be able to wake up or be awaken by the therapist and return to a non trance state.

Will my information be kept confidential?

As a member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis I am bound by a code of contact. Under this code I will keep my patient's affairs confidential, the law of the land not withstanding.

How many sessions will I need?

Issues are treated over an average of 3 - 6 sessions. This can be discussed and agreed by the client and therapist.

Does Hypnotherapy work?

There are no miracle cures. The therapeutic process requires work and commitment on your part also. It is a partnership between client and therapist to work towards achieving a goal.

Get in touch

Please feel free to contact me whenever works best for you. You can reach me on 07747106880 or 016973 52466 or contact me by email. I aim to respond to all enquirers within 24 hours. If you can’t get through please leave a message with your name, number, and the reason for calling as I will likely be in a session, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Hypnotherapy is suitable for children and teenagers. I hold a current Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate. Adults are asked to accompany under 16's for the initial consultation and then for the remainder of the session there is a lovely waiting area. The treatment needs to be on a one to one basis. If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch.

All correspondence, like the sessions, is treated with complete confidence, respect and care.

All correspondence, like the sessions, is treated with complete confidence, respect and care.

My location

My treatment rooms are located in Port House, Port Carlisle, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 5BU, about 12 miles outside Carlisle within walking distance of the coast.

Free parking is available in front of the property. You may bring somebody with you. After introductions I would ask them to wait in the waiting area.

Sessions & Fees

The first 90 minute session is £65.

Subsequent 60 minute sessions are £55 per session.

I also offer a two-session and highly effective stop smoking course that is £110 in total.

Payments can be made in cash, by cheque or via bank transfer at the end of each session.

Cancellation Policy

Please cancel session 48 hours in advance free of charge.

What does a hypnotherapy course involve?

Every hypnotherapy course begins with a phone conversation. This is, more than anything else, a good opportunity for the two of us to get to know one another. It will also allow us to discuss your needs in detail, and it will give me an opportunity to explain how I might be able to help. This is the best time for you to ask any of the many questions I know my clients have about what hypnotherapy involves. Our first session will be 90 minutes long and will essentially be a relaxed conversation about what brought you here so that I can compile a detailed case history. Remember that nothing we discuss in treatment will ever leave the room, so I encourage you to be as relaxed and forthcoming as possible so that we can work together to really target the root issue. Subsequent sessions will be 60 minutes long. Due to the range of issues that we treat and the varying severities, the total number of sessions may differ, but I have come to find that we can make a significant impact in three or four sessions. Of course, this can also be discussed in our initial conversation.

What my clients say...